About the f5c
The Final 5 Campaign is dedicated to the closure of the final five youth prisons in Illinois. Placing a high value on community investment and youth leadership, our campaign has the power to reduce the number of youth in Illinois prisons to zero.
Just ten years ago there were eight youth prisons incarcerating nearly 1,200 young people across our state. Now, there are five prisons incarcerating only 100 youth. The failure of these “Illinois Youth Centers,” (as they are officially called), to provide care and respect to young people is no longer acceptable. The time is now. We are at the finish line.
Strategic values
Transformation over Reformation. We believe we must close youth prisons to holistically take care of the mental, emotional, financial and material needs of young people. We believe youth prisons are not effectively taking care of young people or protecting the safety of our communities.
Needs-Based. We believe the needs of youth cannot be met in youth prisons, and thus strive towards a future where the material well-being of young people is cultivated in other ways. We also consider the needs of those affected by youth incarceration: families, neighborhoods, police officers, correctional officers, legislators, and beyond. We believe that in the long term, the needs of all people can best be met through the closing of youth prisons and investing in communities.
Creativity & Collaboration. We believe in the power of creative thinking and collaboration across skillsets, perspectives and beliefs. While we know there is a better alternative to youth prisons, we believe it takes the minds and imaginations of many to build those alternatives.
A Table Open to All. The table is set with our mission and values, but it is open to all who'd like a seat. We believe we are stronger for leaving a seat open, as a reminder that not everyone is yet ready to join us and it is our job to invite them into the work.
Patience in Practice. While we aim for the expedient closing of youth prisons, our campaign is led with patience. In an effort to reduce harm, create room for healing (for all), and in order to effectively communicate with those not yet at the table, we practice patience. This work is years in the making, just as the lives of all affected by system involvement. We take the long view, and do so with patient and loving hearts.
Who We are
The Final 5 Campaign is comprised of a coalition of formerly incarcerated youth, families impacted by the juvenile legal system, and allies who are committed to closing youth prisons and believe in investing in communities. Sound like you? Join us.